Three times winners of the Blood Bowl, the team possesses a vicious mixture of the natural speed of the Skaven and the brutal raw power of its Rat Ogres. Rising from the foulest sewers of the land, the Skavenblight Scramblers are the world’s premier Skaven team, consistently beating out their nearest rivals, the Warphunters.

Known for being the most prolific cheaters in the game, some of their players are proficient assassins. If you can catch one of them, a superhuman feat to be sure, they struggle to take a hit. Skaven teams are very fast and very sneaky. Gissa G, gissa O, gissa W, gissa J… (etc)”

We’ll pull yore hair an’ pinch yore thighĪn’ if dat don’t work, we’ll gouge your eye! Even when measured against consistent league winners like the Reavers, the Gouged Eye are not to be underestimated – they are steamrolling their way to a championship and wont be stopped. Under the auspices of tribal overlord Gobsuck Skullcrush XII and the extremely sadistic training methods of Severlimb, the Gouged Eye have thrived, and the cycle of violence dolled out in training can be seen in every play the team makes – it’s a rare match against the Gouged Eye that doesn’t end with numerous casualties. The Gouged Eye has risen steadily from its years as a laughing stock, and are now chief contenders for the top spot. This is also true on the road, as the team travels with a veritable Waaagh! of fans wherever they play. Under the dismal, dingy lights of the Doom Dome, the Orcs play with a powerful home-field advantage, and they are all too happy to use their loud, belligerent crowds to intimidate their opponents. But that riskless injury is something no one else gets.Big, strong and heavily armoured, Orc teams’ preferred tactic is to mangle the opposing players until they litter the pitch and can no longer contest the ball – scoring points is a secondary concern. It's a good skill, just not something to rely on. Do that first move a turn have zero chance of turn over. Stab is a no-risk move that could incur injury. Their MA is too low to make shadowing good, and stab is most most effective against people with low strength who are easy to block, and least effective against the high strength players it would otherwise be most useful against. The truth is they're just not a great player.

Or maybe against Minotaurs and Rat Ogres who have high strength but AV8. The only time stab is really useful is vs pieces like Blodge/Sidestep Wardancers or Gutter Runners that are an absolute pain in the rear to put down sometimes. Stab has the same chance of of injuring someone as just knocking them down, less even, as MB doesn't work with stab. The problem is people over-emphasise the stab mechanic, and go out of their way to use it every turn, which means they get zero spp. Originally posted by Cake or Death?:They level up the same way other players do.